All episodes also available on Soundcloud
The Whisper Through The Static Podcast. The Whisper Through The Static podcast is a semi-serialised fiction podcast series, primarily in the genres of science-fiction, horror and drama, always dark, sometimes hopeful. Written and performed in the style of old radio plays and TV serials like The Twilight Zone, Out of the Unknown and the BBC's MR James adaptions and in particular influenced by the cosmic horror of H.P Lovecraft and other writers such as Arthur C Clarke, Phillip K Dick, HG Wells and Nigel Kneale. We record in a Worthing based recording studio with a stable of actors we've built up in the south coast film-making scene and score the episodes with talented musicians from the Brighton music scene. visit to stream or download all the episodes so far or listen to them in the future, on our YouTube channel or here on soundcloud.